
Michel Pham

Originally from the french-speaking part of Switzerland and now based in Zurich. Michel loves challenge and chooses to live in a different environment surrounded by people speaking that weird dialect called Schwyzerdütsch. He also challenges himself in the mountains where he regularly spend his spare time. Otherwise he spends his time playing video games and cooking meals where his everyday motto "thinking outside of the box" can emerge (for the good but also for the worst).

Marketing Organisation | Avoid mistakes in your HubSpot portal

Marketing Organisation: These Mistakes Will Be The Ruin Of Your HubSpot Portal

Michel Pham | 19 Aug 2021

You've successfully brought the power of HubSpot marketing to your business, but if your HubSpot portal is a mess, you may be sabotaging your investment. To enjoy better ...

reading time: 9min

Zum Blog

Bee Inbound - Data & Reports Header Banner

Why your reports might not reflect the reality of your business (Part 2)

Michel Pham | 18 Mar 2021

Did the last meeting about the data generated by your business activities not reflect what you’re actually experiencing? If you suspect that numbers don’t add up ...

reading time: 10min

Zum Blog

First impression counts | Michel Pham

First impression counts | Michel Pham

Michel Pham | 4 Mar 2021

Originally from French-speaking Switzerland and now in Zurich. Michel challenges himself again and again, for example when he strives single-mindedly to break new ground ...

reading time: 0min

Zum Blog

Why your reports might not reflect the reality of your business

Why your reports might not reflect the reality of your business (Part 1)

Michel Pham | 17 Dec 2020

Have you ever been in a meeting where all the reports show you outstanding numbers and only green lights? You wonder how that could be possible when your experience on ...

reading time: 9min

Zum Blog