Have you heard about Google Consent Mode v2? If not, don't worry - we've got everything you need to know about it here. Google Consent Mode v2 is an updated version of ...
reading time: 7min
Zum Blog
Marketing positioning is one of the fundamental strategies that helps companies differentiate and succeed in an increasingly competitive market. In a world where ...
reading time: 18min
Zum Blog
In a world that treats data as the new gold, data-driven organisations don't just have a competitive edge; they're practically in a league of their own. Studies show ...
reading time: 10min
Zum Blog
If you put 1 Euro into a machine and got 2 Euro back, you'd keep putting your money in that machine, right? That's the essence of why marketing and sales professionals ...
reading time: 9min
Zum Blog
Did Google Analytics 4 (GA4) sneak up on you? Or have you been aware of the impending changes for a while, but other priorities have kept it out of your focus lane? ...
reading time: 11min
Zum Blog
Your business collects data from so many different sources. It's the blessing and the curse of the digital age we find ourselves in. On the one hand, you have more ...
reading time: 7min
Zum Blog
Sales and marketing reports are powerful tools you can rely on when making essential business decisions and planning for the future. Each campaign you launch opens the ...
reading time: 10min
Zum Blog
We all have friends and colleagues who specialise in something or have a valuable skill that occasionally becomes pertinent in our own lives. For example, if you’d like ...
reading time: 8min
Zum Blog
It's 2020, and markets are expecting 2.05 billion digital buyers to be making their purchases online. For companies looking to thrive in the ever-growing digital ...
reading time: 7min
Zum Blog