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Digital Growth Roadmap

With the Digital Growth Roadmap, we help companies use their marketing and sales budgets in a results-oriented way to achieve maximum impact.


Achieving maximum impact with the Digital Growth Roadmap

Rapid digitisation, increasing competition and the societal changes of recent years present SMEs with major challenges in marketing and sales. We have learned this through experience with many clients from our focus industries. What challenges do you want to solve?

Strong competition

Increasing competitive pressure from often international players with access to cheaper resources or more effective technologies exacerbate the situation.

No reliable pipeline

Lack of repeatability and systematisation of marketing and sales processes prevent reliable planning and achievement of sales targets.

Poor digital CX

A broken digital customer experience (CX) and insufficient digital measures are partly responsible for not increasing the revenue potential of existing customers.

Is the Digital Growth Roadmap a fit for your business?

If you are facing any of the following challenges, you are a good fit for BEE, and our Growth Framework is a good fit for you. We will guide you through your solid Digital Growth Strategy. Among other things, we will answer these questions for you:

Market & Potential

  • Where do I stand compared to my competitors and how much untapped potential do I have in my market?
  • Are my content and topics relevant and will I be found?
  • What markets and topics should I target. How can I distinguish myself from competitors?
  • How can I grow, and which channels are worth investing in?
  • Is my positioning distinct enough to differentiate me from my competitors?
  • How much budget can I invest per channel for my growth? Which KPIs can I serve with it?

Marketing & Sales

  • Where should my leads come from? Am I running the right campaigns for this?
  • What do I need to offer to increase my conversion rates?
  • How do marketing and sales work better together?
  • What are my target markets, key personas, and demographics, and on whom should I prioritise focus?
  • What does the buyer journey look like and which touchpoints can I automate?
  • How much budget and resources do I need to achieve my goals?
  • What are my KPIs and where do I stand in comparison to the market and my market peers?

Are you using your full digital potential? Find out with the BEE.Potential Analysis.


Outstanding results through industry focus

Through successful projects in these industries, we understand the challenges faced by the companies intimately. We've developed comprehensive growth solutions to transform marketing, sales, and service, capturing the entire digital journey of customers and partners.

  • IT service provider
  • Manufacturing
  • SaaS Company
  • Consulting
  • Personnel service provider
  • Banks & Insurances
  • Software Provider


Conventional sales strategies no longer work. Rapid digitisation, increased competition, and the social changes of recent years are presenting IT service providers with new challenges.


IT service providers must stand out with a modern, fresh design and a good user experience (UX). The focus is on lead generation and an entry page where the positioning is immediately recognisable.


+40% visibility
+818% inbound leads
-92% CAC (acquisition cost)



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When we relaunched our digital marketing with HubSpot, BEE was the professional partner we were looking for. Pragmatic with an eye on the essentials, we were able to achieve clearly measurable, improved results in record time with BEE.

Urs Wermelinger, VP Marketing & Partner, CYCL AG


In recent years, customers' information behaviour and interaction with companies have changed permanently. Classic sales activities are increasingly losing efficiency and need to be moreble for digital channels.


Manufacturers must address various stakeholders through their websites and clearly convey their unique positioning, both in text and images. The emphasis is on lead generation and a clear UX to guide visitors purposefully through the website.


+22% growth in 12 months
+31% revenue from existing customers
+8 NPS (Net Promoter Score)



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Looking back, only good impressions remain. Wherever we show our new website, we get great feedback - the appealing design combined with well-structured content convinces all along the line.

Thomas Haller, Sales Manager, EICHENBERGER GEWINDE AG


Continuous demand generation, ongoing momentum, and the simultaneous implementation of scalable processes: The way SaaS companies address these challenges will significantly determine their success. This is where the leaders differ from the laggards.


SaaS companies need to position themselves very clearly and implement simple buyers' journeys in order to differentiate themselves. The focus is on the product, the value proposition, and maximising the conversion rate.



+1020% Landing Page Conversion
+66% MQL to SQL Conversion
-90 days for a new GTM strategy.



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With the help and direction from BEE, we successfully implemented a data-driven lead scoring system customised to our needs. Our sales teams now know exactly which leads to touch, and we realised stunning efficiency wins and conversion rate improvement.



In order to benefit from the increased demand in management consulting, consultants need to enter the market with a clear positioning and a unique customer experience.


Consulting companies need to stand out with a modern and fresh design and a good user experience (UX). The focus is on lead generation and attracting talent.




4x more qualified inquiries
-14h labor savings due to automations
+8 Net Promoter Score



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Thanks to BEE's great understanding of our market and services, there was no need for long discussions and explanations. The BEE.GAMEPLAN is the essence of how to achieve the goals we have set for the future.

Pascal Schmid, CEO, Netrics AG


Traditional recruitment and sales strategies no longer work. Rapid digitisation, increasing competition, and the social changes of recent years are creating new challenges for personnel service providers.


Personnel service providers need to stand out not only through clear and sharp positioning, but also through modern design and an intuitive user experience (UX). The focus is on lead generation from customers, but also talents.



4x more leads within 6 months
-55% CAC (acquisition cost)
30 days for HubSpot implementation and launch of first lead campaign.



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BEE understood our concerns right from the start and looked after us with commitment. The team's commitment is as outstanding as the result. Through a strategically planned roadmap, we were able to achieve quick wins that motivate us to do more.

Thomas Lang, SFOUR Consulting AG

The rapid development of FinTech, strict regulations and the societal changes of recent years are presenting banks with new challenges.

Banks and insurance companies can no longer rest on their brand and brand awareness.

Banks and insurance companies need to develop efficient digital strategies for lead generation and ensure an end-to-end digital customer experience (CX). We help identify and implement a PoC to achieve exceptional CX.



Implementation PoC within 90 days
+37% more leads
8+ NPS in 180 days


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We wanted to achieve efficient data management through meaningful marketing automation. The processes were to be significantly simplified and our lead data was to be successfully converted into leads. There has been a constructive relationship with BEE as an agency for many years and I have already carried out several successful projects with Ben Klein. Due to the great trust, we were able to work together without hesitation, despite the high demands that a bank makes. The result: we now have a highly efficient CRM for data management, the follow-up processes are automated - and conversion is massively successful. It doesn't get any better than that.

Roger Feller, Raiffeisen Bank

Software provicers need to bring their products to market faster and faster.

Rapid digitisation, increasing competition, lack of systematisation and inefficient use of resources pose new challenges for software vendors and channel partners.

By providing knowledge, strategy templates and campaign frameworks to channel partners, we help generate leads quickly and efficiently to continuously reach new customers and markets.

+ 818% more inbound leads
2x more leads also own campaigns
100% more efficiency


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The clear goal was to achieve more visibility and generate more traffic. In addition, we want to be even more flexible in the digital area in the future. As a leading Swiss Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner, we know that a high partner status requires a high level of expertise. Since BEE is a Diamond HubSpot Partner, there was an initial basic trust and also the price-performance ratio sounded very interesting to us. Our high expectations were met in the cooperation. You feel understood and in good hands, which is why I can gladly recommend working with BEE.

Annina Streuli, Bitvoodoo

We have developed a framework for creating and implementing your Digital Growth Strategy in your organisation.

Wir haben ein Framework für die Erstellung und Implementierung Ihrer Digitalen Growth Strategie in Ihrem Unternehmen entwickelt.



We review your existing analyses and check whether they are still up-to-date.Market and competitor analysis

Analysis and insights on positioning
Audits: SEO and Social Media
Digital market potential: Search volume
Digital market potential: LinkedIn
Digital market potential: Native Ads



Based on the analysis data, we collaboratively create your growth roadmap. This includes goals, KPIs, timelines, resources, and the required budget.

Definition of goals and KPIs
Growth case calculation
Content strategy
Campaign framework
Campaign plan
Growth roadmap



Based on the growth roadmap, we assist you in implementing the strategy. We employ our growth frameworks to achieve initial results within just a few weeks. Together with your team, we'll conduct the first performance review after 4 weeks.



After implementing the Growth Frameworks, we aren't satisfied until we can demonstrate measurable performance. In regular performance check-ins, we collaborate with your marketing and sales teams to achieve the KPIs outlined in the growth case.

BEE.Growth Model

Transform to Perform

BEE.Growth Model

Transform to Perform

We combine the potential of strategy, technology, data intelligence, and people in a comprehensive transformation model. We assist organisations in their transformation, aiming for enhanced performance and profitable growth. To achieve this, we employ results-oriented and data-driven digital solutions for marketing, sales, and organisational development.

  • Align: We clearly define goals and expectations and reduce obstacles to ensure everyone moves in the same direction.
  • Engage: We provide tools for team collaboration and empower everyone to grow personally alongside the team.
  • Implement: Agile working practices and methods enable us to deliver projects on time and within budget.
  • Perform: We are not satisfied until we can demonstrate measurable performance.

Case Studies

With cross-sector experience from numerous transformation projects, we inspire our customers to turn every challenge into an opportunity – and every opportunity into growth. Our services, along with all digital solutions for marketing, sales, and service, are designed to enhance performance, reduce costs, and bolster growth.

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BEE's approach was very structured and well organized. We received very good templates and thus had an excellent basis for copywriting. We were supported by the employees with a lot of expertise and creativity.

We experienced the cooperation as professional, transparent and constructive. The final result exceeded our expectations, especially in terms of the modernity of the design and the dynamism it radiated.


Roberto Pertoldi


Ben Klein and his team were well prepared, very structured and took a detailed look at our market and our company. In the workshops, modern tools were used, the individual participants were picked up and their own views were clearly presented.

The cooperation was extremely collegial, open and efficient. My workload was mainly limited to the workshops and a few meetings between the workshops. Ben Klein knows what he is talking about, he is not a PowerPoint consultant.

The developed gameplan became a central instrument of our marketing, thank you Ben!


Jürg Achermann
FROX communication


As a proven specialist in both classic outbound and web-based inbound marketing, Mr. Klein was excellent at sounding out the potential and needs of our business and adapting our business model to the new requirements in our market.

Thanks to his profound know-how and good intuition to think into other business areas, our cooperation in the workshops turned out to be very efficient and in some areas extremely innovative. New ideas were taken up, critically scrutinized and included in the implementation. The exchange went far beyond typical marketing. Especially managing directors of smaller companies will benefit from this sparring in terms of business development.


Michael Eggimann
Ortho Walker AG


BEE connects the topic "website creation" compellingly with "positioning", and in a way that I have not known from other agencies so far. And in my view, it is precisely this approach that is the key to a successful new website. We have now gone through these positioning workshops together with BEE. The process was intense, crisp, "to the point" and free of typical consultant attitudes. The result proves to us that this approach was the right one, so we also gave the green light for the second part "website creation with BEE".


Clemens Schuler
Biofire Schweiz AG


We took the path from the rough to the detailed together with BEE in several workshops. The approach included a look at the big picture, a clear structure and concrete tasks to achieve the goals efficiently and on time. Thanks to BEE's great understanding of our market and services, long discussions and explanations were unnecessary. The BEE.GAMEPLAN is the essence of how to achieve the goals we have set for the future.


Pascal Schmid
netrics AG


Ben Klein and his team developed a methodology with the BEE.Gameplan that helped us to tackle and solve a whole bundle of different challenges. Thus, the workshops resulted in more than a digital marketing strategy. In less than 3 months, thanks to BEE, we found answers for our new business unit, worked out the positioning, laid down concrete guidelines for digital marketing and got a concept for an inbound ready website! This was only possible thanks to the methodical approach, efficient workshops, open communication, lean organization and up-to-date tools that enabled easy collaboration.

With Ben Klein we also had a forward thinking marketing professional on our side, who with his business acumen and experience always kept the focus on the right topics and brought in new valuable ideas. Many thanks.


Alejandro Schmid
FROX communication


The BEE team has always worked with us in a courteous, competent and expeditious manner. We particularly like the strong results orientation and the focus on efficient technical processes in which the great creative ideas are embedded. This allowed us to create a really cool website that not only brings us a lot of positive feedback, but also new customers! And all this at thoroughly fair conditions for the entire BEE service package.


Beat Fasnacht
Almedica AG


BEE convinced us with a clear structure: In successive workshops, a coherent inbound strategy including website design was developed and subsequently put into practice. The result is convincing and appealingly designed!


Konstantin Lutze


Best Digital Growth Partner in Switzerland. You are ahead of the game...


Marcus Lier
Synpulse Management Consulting


In the intensive workshops, in which the basics and the first details for the gameplan were worked out, both the good ideas of BEE and their critical approach and inputs really helped us. What I particularly liked was that Ben Klein took a serious look at our ideas, but also came up with constructive counter-suggestions and optimizations that would achieve the best result. Within a short time, good first drafts for our website followed and the new pages were structured and implemented very quickly.

The BEE team is very friendly, technically very skilled and always helpful. The collaboration was really fun. We are just as enthusiastic about HubSpot. The software is very intuitive to use and the handling of our customer communication runs efficiently and highly professionally.


Ferdinand Peter
Autowelt Schweiz AG

BEE makes happy

BEE paves the way: to more visibility, more success, more growth. We often start by clearly identifying the potential and positioning of our clients, and with an unobstructed view of where they are - and where they want to go. We actively support them on this path.

Book appointment

100+ large and small companies have already started with BEE.

Arrange a non-binding meeting. We'll talk about your requirements and find the right pricing model for your growth targets.

Are we a good match?

With the change in buying behaviour, digitalisation has become enormously important for marketing, sales and service.

Companies today have to act differently in order to grow continuously through marketing, sales and service and to achieve measurable results. A new mindset in the way teams think and act is key! If you as a company share these basic convictions with us, we are the ideal partner:

Purchasing behaviour has changed significantly

Everyone in the company is part of the growth strategy

Culture and mindset are essential for ambitious growth

Growth requires investment and performance monitoring

Companies should aim for a top position

The involvement of internal resources is crucial to success

There must be a willingness to change

Agile organisational forms accelerate growth


The latest information about Digital Growth and Customer Experience.
For all those who have made TRANSFORM TO PERFORM their mission.
